
Beretta SAKO 75 HUNTER

Posted by Michael Koenig     

  • Beretta SAKO 75 HUNTER Photo 1
  • Beretta SAKO 75 HUNTER Photo 2
  • Beretta SAKO 75 HUNTER Photo 3
  • Beretta SAKO 75 HUNTER Photo 4
  • Beretta SAKO 75 HUNTER Photo 5

This guns price as listed is really just an estimate as the guns are not sold by the manufacturer Beretta anymore. If you have a better idea as to the price range please change the prices above and we will approve your changes.

This gun is said to be an excellent hunting rifle, but with a name like Beretta SAKO 75 HUNTER would you expect it not to be lol.

This gun comes chambered in 222 rem, 223 rem, 22-250 rem, 243 Winchester, 260 rem, 308 Winchester, 270 Win Short Mad, 300 Win Short Mag, 7x64, 30-06, 9.32x62, 9.3x66 Sako, 7mm Rem Mag, 300 Win Mag, 338 Win Mag, 375 H&H Mag
The following stats are from the weapons pdf details we found on SAKOs website

SAKO 75 HUNTER has a series of actions which are designated: Short action I, Medium actions III and SM, Long
actions IV and V (Magnum).
The ACTIONS continue to offer traditional SAKO features such as: action sizes matched to cartridges; mechanical
ejection; integral tapered scope mount rail and one-piece forged bolt.
Long and medium bolts are optionally available provided with KEY CONCEPT locking system to prevent illicit use.
The MAGAZINE is detachable and it can also be loaded through the ejection port.
The single-stage TRIGGER pull is adjustable from 1 kg to 2 kg (2 to 4 lbs). All models are available with a single-set
trigger as option.
The SAFETY features a mechanism that allows loading and unloading of the rifle with safety engaged.
The walnut STOCK is oilfinished as standard. Matte-lacquered stocks are also available.
Open sights with post bead are adjustable for windage. Optionally available also without open sights. Integral rails for
the scope mounts are on the top of the receiver.
The totally free-floating BARREL is cold hammer-forged.

Specifications [login to edit wiki]

Low Price : $800High Price : $1500

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