0/5Ruger Mini-14 Target
Posted by Jason Brumett

Here is a quick write up on the Ruger Mini 14. This gun is a nice and accurate .223 akin at least visually to the M1 Garrand. It offers a 5, 10 ,20, and 30 round clip capacity. Gun manufactured from 1973 to present. This gun is a great farm gun id you happen to own a ranch. This is a solid gun.
The Mini-14, Mini Thirty is a lightweight semi-automatic carbines manufactured by the U.S. firearms company Sturm, Ruger. The Mini-14 non-target versions can fire both the .223 Remington cartridge and the similar military 5.56x45mm cartridge. The target model Mini-14 rifles are chambered only for the .223 Remington cartridge. The Mini Thirty uses the 7.62×39mm and the Mini-6.8 fires 6.8 mm Remington SPC.
Precision on the range, at the ranch, on patrol, or in the woods. For decades, Ruger Mini-14 rifles and Mini Thirty rifles have been the choice for applications ranging from the farm and ranch, to the deep woods, to personal defense. Their short barrels and overall short length make them favorites in any application where maneuverability and ease of handling are priorities. With a variety of configurations from the standard Ranch Rifle, to the extremely accurate Mini-14 Target Rifle, to the Tactical models with ATI folding stock or compact barrel with flash suppressor - there is a Mini-14 or Mini Thirty to meet any demand. Specifically designed for mounting today's scopes or other optical sighting systems, these rifles include a side ejection to clear the top mounted scope, and a patented recoil buffer which protects the scope from damage or shifting the point of impact as the semi-automatic action cycles.
Low Price : $797High Price : $1099