3 Great .22LR / 410 Survival Rifles

Article Posted: March 20, 2014

When it comes to comes to .22LR / 410 survival rifles there are a few different ones to choose from, so lets take a look at those now.

.22 LR / 410 Survival Rifles

What are you trying to overcome?

The most important question here is what are you trying to survive? Most people looking into buying a "survival rifle" want something that can be stowed in a backpack along with a nice supply of ammo and will allow you to kill and eat game, and provide some protection from bad guys.. It must be reliable beyond a doubt, and durable.

Must be...

  • 1.) Short, Lightweight
  • 2.) Easy to Assemble
  • 3.) Reliable

M6 Scout

One such tool is the Air Force M6 Scout survival rifle. The M6 is a bare-bones 22 lr rifle and 410 shotgun combination that breaks down into three pieces only about 18-inches long. Such a small pack is easy to store for emergency.

The M6 Scout is an over and under with the top barrel firing a 22 long rifle rim fire cartridge while the lower barrel fires a .410 shot gun shell. The rifle butt stores plenty of additional ammo. The perfect combination to put food on the table.

Watch video on scout!

Only problem is that the M6 scout has been dicontinued, if you want one you will need to check with the pawn shops, or look at guns shows.

Savage Model 42

Savage Model 42

Watch Model 42 Video

If you can't get an M6 Scout then try looking for a Savage Model 42. It shares most of the same features, but is still produced today.

Henry AR-7

Henry AR7

Another great survival rifle is the semi automatic Henry AR7. This rifle breaks down and fits into the watertight stock, along with plenty of ammo. It only weighs 3.5 pounds, carries two clips. There is an iron sight on the front and an adjustable rear sight. Both rifles are quite inexpensive and a must when faced with a possible survival situation in the wilderness.

M6 Scout Video

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Savage Model 42 22 LR / 410

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Final Words?

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