Funny Pro Gun Sayings
Article Posted: May 22, 2014

We've all heard or read some pretty funny and memorable pro-gun quotes, we thought it would be fun to put together a list of the best ones we could find. Any of these would make great bumper stickers or t-shirts. Please comment at the bottom of the article and leave your own. If it's funny we'll add it to the list!
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Top Funny Pro Gun Slogans/Sayings
- Keep your booger hook off the bang switch until you want to destroy something.
- Gun control means using both hands.
- Why do you carry a .45? Because they don't make a .46
- If guns cause crime then all of mine are defective.
- I carry a small gun to compensate for my huge pecker.
- If you're not willing to defend your life while you're still alive, don't come crying on my shoulder when you end up dead.
- Don't run from a sniper, you'll just die tired.
- Happiness is a warm gun!
- A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
- I carry a 1911 because i cant fit a cop in my pocket.
- Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again.
- You'll have a blast trying to rob me!
- Honk if you've never seen a gun fired from a moving vehicle. (bumper sticker)
- I miss my ex but my aim is improving.
- Keep honking im reloading (bumper sticker)
- Why press 911...when you could squeeze 9mm.
- No matter how responsible he seems, never give your gun to a monkey.
- When the reporter asked the sniper " what do you feel after shooting someone?" the sniper replied " recoil ".
- Guns defend people against people with smaller guns. Y'all call me a paranoid gun-nut now, but we all know who you're going to be running to for help when the zombies show up.
- When in Doubt, Empty the Magazine
- Happiness Is a Belt-Fed Weapon
- An armed man is a Citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
- Glock: The original point and click interface.
- Gun Control is not about guns; it's about control.
- Those who trade Liberty for security have neither.
- What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
- The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
- If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
- Keep guns out of the hands of criminals, buy them for yourself.
- This house guarded by Smith and Wesson (suggested by bh196181)
- Q: Why do you carry a gun-- what are you so afraid of? A: Nothing. (suggested by gregabellum)
- Better to have one and not need it, than to need one and not have it.(suggested by gregabellum)
- Free body piercing courtesy of Stum Ruger (suggested by oldwestman)
- I believe in GUN CONTROL. Six rounds in a three inch bulls eye at forty yards is damn good gun control. (suggested by Mr_ John)
- A gun and a parachute are somewhat alike - if you need one and don't have one,youll never need one again. (suggested by halfwayhome)
- SMILE, WAIT FOR FLASH (suggested by Powhatan10)
- Want to take my gun, ...... sure let me unload it first. (suggested by Powhatan10)
- I like the original wireless home protection much better. (TammyJoJones)
- If you know how many guns you own-you don't have enough! (suggested by halfwayhome)
- Who has the best reaction time, you and your 1911 or the 911 operator. (suggested by TomWilliams2)
- Intruders found here at night will be found here in the morning.(suggested by Usadisvet)
- I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.(suggested by Usadisvet)
- Never forget, as constitutional freedoms go, the 2nd protects the first.(suggested by Usadisvet)
- I spread diplomacy 63gr at a time. (from my army days / suggested by Usadisvet)
What's your favorite pro-gun saying? Please comment below and let us know!
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