New 25+1 Capacity Shotgun!
Article Posted: March 27th, 2017
This new 25+1 high capacity shotgun from Kel-Tec the KSG 25 is a game changer. With that many rounds of 2 3/4 shotgun shells you can load it once and go all day.
Kel-Tec continues its specialized focus on skilled professionals and enthusiasts with its KSG-25. While the company admittedly does not have a lot of shotguns, what shotguns it does offer are noteworthy. The addition of the new KS-25 to its shotgun inventory is an exciting one, especially for fans of tactical shotguns as well.
Read the rest of New 25+1 Capacity Shotgun!
Hudson H9 American Made 9mm
Article Posted: March 29th, 2017
The Hudson H9 is a pistol so revolutionary it has 7 patents, this gun is a game changer in so many ways.
The Hudson H9 is an American-made pistol with an attractive look and design. Hudson made this gun with technological advancement in mind, which is why the company currently has 7 patents pending on this pistol.
What Hudson focuses on with the H9 is precision. This is why youll fight a straight-pull trigger design based on the 1911. Hudson also maintains that precision focus with a lower bore axis and impressive sights. Everything about this gun is designed to keep repeated shots on target, making the Hudson H9 perhaps one of the most definitive precision pistols in a long time. Dont be surprised to see this one popping up at shooting competitions in short order.
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How To Build A Mud Hut
Article Posted: March 27th, 2017
When it comes to primitive technology very few do it better than YouTube's Primitive Technology channel. In this amazing video he shows you how to build a simple mud hut with a roof and a chimney. The hut is made by weaving wooden strips called wattle and then covering them in mud or clay. This type of building can be traced back at least 7,000 years, and is still in use all over the world. This is a great way to build yourself a simple hut/cabin that will not damage the surrounding ecosystem.
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Pistol Looks Like Cell Phone
Article Posted: March 31th, 2016
Technology has brought about the merging of a daily tool that one cannot live without, and a weapon that is used for personal protection. Minnesota based Ideal Conceal, through the creative genius of Kirk Kjellberg, have developed a pistol that is able to fold and resemble a smartphone. This is in response to the growing need that people have for carrying concealed weapons to keep themselves safe.
While there have been developments in jackets and bags to help carry concealed weapons, nothing comes close to this latest offering. By folding into itself and taking the form of a smartphone, it is possible to carry this weapon around without it being detected since it takes on an unexpected form. It is approximately the same size as the Samsung Galaxy S7.
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45 ACP vs 9mm Luger
Article Posted: March 17th, 2016
So which is the better cartridge the 45 ACP with its hard hitting slow moving projectile or the low recoil high capacity 9mm? Let's take a look at all the data and see.
This article has been a long time coming, and before we even start we want to let you know up front there is no real cut and dry answer as to which is the better cartridge. This page will however allow you to make a very informed decision, as well as give you the ability to join the ever popular 45 vs 9 debate with those knuckleheads over at your local gunshop. :)
We also know this is a touchy subject, people do love their cartridges. We are going to do what we always do here at GunData and look at all the information and compare the 2 cartridges in a very accurate and easy to understand manner.
Like they always say...if you can't explain something simple you don't truly understand it.
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Best 9mm Carbines
Article Posted: March 14th, 2016
Need a self defense weapon for the home, car, camping, or survival? Then the 9mm carbine may be your best bet. This is a list of what we consider to be some of the best 9mm carbines on the market at the time of this writing. Best is defined as semi affordable, reliable, compact, lightweight, suitable capacity, and easy to shoot.
There are dozens of reasons to pick the 9mm as your favorite pistol caliber carbine cartridge. The 9mm cartridge is versatile, compact, lightweight, cheap, and tested. Modern 9mm and 9mm + p rounds are not what they used to be. The modern 9 + p is often compared to the 40 and 45 rounds of yesterday. Fire that same 9mm cartridge from a longer barrel and you get and even bigger performance bump in the form of increased velocity and energy.
Read the rest of Best 9mm Carbines
Original Articles
- New 25+1 Capacity Shotgun!
- Hudson H9 American Made 9mm
- How To Build A Mud Hut
- Pistol Looks Like Cell Phone
- 45 ACP vs 9mm Luger
- Best 9mm Carbines
- Mall Ninja Xtreme Zombie Carbine!
- 5 Alternative Range Bags for Pistols
- Best 45 ACP Carbines
- 5 Dirt Cheap Guns $170 to $260
- Muslim Free Shooting Range?
- How To Clean A Rifle
- 3 Good 300 AAC Blackout Reviews
- Top 5 Guns for Women
- How to Really Shoot A Pistol
- Worlds Best 9mm Handgun
- 5 Great Gun Safes (Options)
- 9mm vs 40 S&W Summary + Ballistics
- Red Oak, White, or Chestnut for Deer Herd?
- Bullets for Barter Post Collapse
- Funny Pro Gun Sayings
- 5 Strange Handguns You Don't Need
- 3 Great .22LR / 410 Survival Rifles
- American Rifles | The Original ARs
- 600 Round Glock Magazine
- 10mm vs 40 Summary and Ballistics
- How Important is "Shot Placement"?
- 10 Item First Aid Kit Checklist
- 10 Gun Lights for Home Defense
- How to Make a Stove Hobo Style!
- Most Basic Survival Food List Ever
- Best Handguns for Women
- Make Homemade Mosquito Trap
- Lets make a Sawed-Off Shotgun!
- Man Brings Knife to Gun Fight (Funny)
- Gun Store Etiquette (Proper vs Improper)
- 10 Simple Home Security Tips
- SIG-Sauer vs Glock
- Legal Length of Shotguns and Rifles
- 9mm Pocket Pistols
- Glock 17/19/26 Operating Procedures
- 10 Conceal Carry Tips (Funny)
- Understanding the 2nd Amendment
- Choose Your Own Crime Stats
- After You Dial 911 : Dont Be A Victim
- Does Gun Control Work?
- Best Shotgun Ammo for Self Defense
- Best Calibers for Self Defense
- FBI Handgun Ballistics
- 38 Special vs 380 ACP
- Top 5 Home Defense Handguns
- 5 Best Home Defense Shotguns
- How to Sight in a Scope - Step by Step Guide
- .380 ACPs Stopping Power (Funny)
- AK-47 vs AR-15 History and Facts
- A Bug Out Bag Checklist for 2015
- 30-06 vs. 270 Win
- Gun Stores
Ballistics Tools & Data
- Ballistic Trajectory Calculator
- Ballistic Coefficient Calculator
- 9mm Ballistics Chart
- 308 Ballistics Chart
- 30-06 Ballistics Chart
- .270 Win Ballistics Chart
- 30-30 Ballistics Chart
- 7.62x39mm Ballistics Chart
- 7mm Rem Magnum Ballistics Chart
- 17 HMR Ballistics Chart
- 223 Ballistics Chart
- .243 Ballistics Chart
- 22-250 Ballistics Chart
- Convert FPS to MPH