

Posted by Jason Brumett     

  • M and P15 MOE Mid MAGPUL SPEC SERIES Photo 1
  • M and P15 MOE Mid MAGPUL SPEC SERIES Photo 2
  • M and P15 MOE Mid MAGPUL SPEC SERIES Photo 3
  • M and P15 MOE Mid MAGPUL SPEC SERIES Photo 4
  • M and P15 MOE Mid MAGPUL SPEC SERIES Photo 5

The Smith & Wesson M&P15 MOE Mid MAGPUL SPEC Series was introduced in the Shot Show 2012 as a new line of AR-15 series rifles in conjunction with MAGPUL. The overall length is 37-inches with the butt stock fully extended, with a 16-inch barrel that has a flash hinder. The flash hinder reduces the flash signature during firing, and moves sound along with gas forward away from the shooter.

The magazine has a flared Magwell for easier magazine insertion and ejection. The trigger guard is integrated, allowing users to fire more accurately while wearing gloves. The barrel has a 4150 CMV Melonite finish, and a 1:8" twist on the barrel. It also has a vertical grip, M4 A2 front sight, and Folding Magpul MBUS rear sight.

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