0/5Remington 572 BDL Fieldmaster
Posted by Jason Brumett

The Remington Model 572™ BDL™ Fieldmaster® has that classic Remington look and feel to it if you are the type to stray away from synthetics or would just like to add a good gun too your collection.
The versatile Model 572™ BDL™ Fieldmaster® is one of the most popular pump-action 22 rimfires made in America today. It handles 22 short, 22 long and 22 long rifle cartridges interchangeably. Other features include big-game sights, a positive cross-bolt safety and a grooved receiver for scope mounts.
Speaking of versatility, now in its 50th year of production, the lightning-quick Model 552 BDL Speedmaster is the only American-made 22 autoloader that handles 22 short, long and long rifle cartridges interchangeably. It’s also equipped with iron sights, a positive cross-bolt safety and a receiver grooved for scope mounts.
The Mode 572 BDL Fieldmaster has; Smooth classic side action,High-gloss American walnut stock and fore-end with cut checkering,Tubular magazine fed,Richly blued carbon-steel barrel,Adjustable iron sights for open sight plinking and grooved receiver for scope mounts for precision shooting with optics,and Receiver grooved for scope mounts for precision shooting with optics
Low Price : $550High Price : $665