
Smith Wesson Model MP15

Posted by Jason Brumett     

  • Smith Wesson Model MP15 Photo 1
  • Smith Wesson Model MP15 Photo 2
  • Smith Wesson Model MP15 Photo 3
  • Smith Wesson Model MP15 Photo 4
  • Smith Wesson Model MP15 Photo 5

The Smith & Wesson Model M&P15 - 300 Whisper is a unting, recreational shooting, and competitive rifle made as a sporting rifle. It has an overall length of 35-inches, 32-inches with collapsed butt stock, and a 16-inch barrel with a 1:7.5" rifle twist. It has a 6-position CAR butt stock for easy adjustment to shooters body frame and clothing types. It handles light weight and heavy weight ammunition that can fire at subsonic or super sonic velocity. It comes with a standard 5-round magazine that fires .300 Whisper or .300 AAC Blackout ammunition, and can hold optional magazines with more rounds.

The Model M&P15 - 300 was made for hunting medium sized game at short ranges up to 200 yards distance. The upper assemble features feed ramps with gas feed system for semi-automatic firing capability. The barrel has an A2 style flash suppressor that is removable to add a suppressor for subsonic loads, and is manufactured to allow for an add on scope.

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Low Price : $975High Price : $1119

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