
Smith and Wesson Model 629

Posted by Jason Brumett     

  • Smith and Wesson Model 629 Photo 1
  • Smith and Wesson Model 629 Photo 2
  • Smith and Wesson Model 629 Photo 3
  • Smith and Wesson Model 629 Photo 4
  • Smith and Wesson Model 629 Photo 5

The Smith and Wesson Model 629 is a classic single or double action 44 Magnum revolver that also takes the 44 special rounds much like the old .357 takes the 38 special rounds. It comes in a satin stainless steel finish, has a stainless steel frame, and a stainless steel cylinder as well. Stainless steel promises to give you year of corrosion free use, this gun will most likely out live you.

The S&W 629 has a large exposed hammer, synthetic grips, and weighs in at a hefty 44.3 oz unloaded. It has a 5" barrel, adjustable rear sights, and is a great choice for hunting and self defense.

Of course the 44 Magnum means you have a massive round that was at one time the most powerful handgun cartridge in the world.

Specifications [login to edit wiki]

Low Price : $896High Price : $949

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