4.67/5Beretta 3901 Target RL
Posted by Jason Brumett

Beretta is strongly committed to instilling a lifelong passion for the sport of shooting in young shooters. Thats why the 3901 Target RL was designed from the ground up as the ideal first shotgun for youth. Developed in cooperation with the NRA Youth Program, Scholastic Clay Target Program, Boy Scouts of America and other organizations, this is a shotgun that grows with the young shooter.
The semiautomatic allows the beginner to shoot a 12 gauge with the benefit of a gas operating system that reduces the felt recoil. It also features an adjustable length of pull from 12 to 13 inches and a specially designed shorter stock thats adjustable for cast on/off.
The stock comes equipped with Berettas Memory System II to adjust the parallel comb. Because of these attributes, the 3901 Target RL also makes the perfect shotgun for new shooters and smaller stature sportsmen and women. The 3901 Target RLs adjustable comb helps give you the competitive edge by allowing you to regulate your personal sight picture. The stock is also adjustable for cast on/off and comes equipped with Berettas patented Memory System II feature that lets you remove and replace the comb without losing your individual settings.
Low Price : $937High Price : $1000