Beretta 92A1
Make: Beretta Model: 92A1 Caliber: 9mm
The 92A1 represents Beretta's evolution of the world famous 92FS pistol. Combining the best elements of the 92FS and the 90-Two, these pistols feature: higher capacity magazines, 1...(more)
Posted by Jason Brumett
The A300 Outlander is a reliable solution for shotgunners who want to step into Berett's world of superior semi-auto performance. New for 2012, the A300 Outlander boasts Beretta's legendary performance, reliability, and worry-free operation all at a price everyone can afford. Born from decades of technological advancement, the new A300 Outlander is guaranteed to perform for years to come.
Make: Beretta Model: 92A1 Caliber: 9mm
The 92A1 represents Beretta's evolution of the world famous 92FS pistol. Combining the best elements of the 92FS and the 90-Two, these pistols feature: higher capacity magazines, 1...(more)
Make: Beretta Model: Sako 85 Varmint Laminated Stainless Caliber: .222 Rem, .223 Rem, .22-250 Rem, .243 Win, .260 R
The Sako 85 Varmint is a long-range hunting rifle built to deliver pinpoint accuracy for hunting and target shooting. The heavy, free-floating barrel diminishes vibration and recoi...(more)
Make: Beretta Model: 3901 Standard Caliber: 12
Made in America, the 3901 Standard is a true no-nonsense synthetic stock shotgun that you'll feel comfortable throwing behind the seat of your pickup, knowing you can rely on your ...(more)
Make: Remington Model: Versa Max Synthetic Caliber: 12 gauge
In addition to being extremely reliable, the VersaMax is also very simple to disassemble and clean. It breaks down easily into 5 main components and can easily be assembled or disa...(more)
Make: Beretta Model: Tikka T3 Scout CTR Caliber: .308 Win, .223 Rem
Law enforcement officers are required to fill a wide variety of positions. Most officers are only required to qualify on their sidearm and a patrol carbine. Some officers, however,...(more)
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