
Sig Sauer P250 Full Size

Posted by Michael Koenig     

  • Sig Sauer P250 Full Size Photo 1
  • Sig Sauer P250 Full Size Photo 2
  • Sig Sauer P250 Full Size Photo 3
  • Sig Sauer P250 Full Size Photo 4
  • Sig Sauer P250 Full Size Photo 5

The Sig Sauer P250 is designed and marketed to military, police, as well as civilians. The design allows for quick replacement of grips. Its a very modular gun in that many pieces or modules can be replaced easily making the gun very customizable. In fact there are 6 configurations for all of the models. (9mm, 357 Sig, and 45 S&W)
All in all this is a very well built gun that bears the Sig Saur name.
The following text is from the official sig site
The SIG SAUER® P250 was designed specifically to address the future needs of the military, law enforcement, and civilian shooters around the world. The P250 will be available in the most popular calibers (9mm, .40S&W and .45ACP). The P250's innovative design enables the shooter to quickly remove the functional mechanism and place it into the polymer grip of his choice. This allows an immediate change in caliber and size;(subcompact, compact and full). And after any change the pistol delivers both outstanding accuracy and reliable functionality. Its modularity not only provides incredible ease of maintenance, but also provides a solution for accommodating different hand sizes - there are 6 different ergonomic combinations for each size, accomplished by changes in grip circumference and trigger style. Now you can own the world's only modular shooting system globally engineered to deliver the "To-Hell -And-Back-Reliability" you've come to expect from Sig Sauer.

Specifications [login to edit wiki]

Low Price : $400High Price : $530

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