
Remington R-25 Rifle

Posted by Jason Brumett     

  • Remington R-25 Rifle Photo 1

Remington R-25 Rifle is the big brother of the Remington R-15 made for larger game as it uses the 243 Win, 7mm-08 Remington, 308 Win some of the most popular rounds used today.

The barrel is again made of 41xx steel listed as ChroMolly on Remington's website. 41xx steel is lighter than conventional steel and has some of the same corrosion properties as stainless steel, although not to the extent that stainless does.

The uppers and lowers are made from aluminum that has been forged, and the gun has a nice Mossy Oak Tree-stand camouflage making it easier to conceal yourself.

Specifications [login to edit wiki]

Low Price : $1532High Price : $1631

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