
Remington R-15 VTR Thumbhole

Posted by Jason Brumett     

  • Remington R-15 VTR Thumbhole Photo 1

The Remington R-15 VTR Thumbhole is a top of the line small predator rifle in its .223 Rem and the slightly smaller 204 Ruger of which both rounds are great for small varmint and predatory animals like the coyote, bobcat, or fox.

Remington promises this gun will give you the fastest follow up shot by design. In order to provide pin point accuracy the barrel was made from 41xx steel often called ChroMoly steel. 41xx steel has an excellent strength to weight ratio making it much better than standard steel barrels. Not sure how safe this would be on larger rounds but for the 204 and 223 I'm guessing this is fine.

In terms of cooling Remington built in 6 "flutes" that pass gas to keep your gun cool. The gas action also eliminates muzzle jump and recoil for those follow ups.

Picatinny rail comes standard on this model. This is great if you plan on getting a bi-pod. The Picatinny rail allows for all sorts of cool add-ons.

Other stuff: Ergonomic pistol grip, 5 round mag, Compatible with aftermarket AR-15 magazines, hard case included

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Low Price : $1181High Price : $1412

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