
Smith and Wesson Model 58

Posted by Jason Brumett     

  • Smith and Wesson Model 58 Photo 1
  • Smith and Wesson Model 58 Photo 2
  • Smith and Wesson Model 58 Photo 3
  • Smith and Wesson Model 58 Photo 4
  • Smith and Wesson Model 58 Photo 5

The Model 58 - S&W is a 41 magnum revovler that was nickel plated and produced by Smith and Wesson. This gun has since been retired from production possibly due to weak sales, so if you want one you are going o have to go fishing at gun shows, or pawn shops.

The Model 58 is a 40 oz, 9.25" long wood grip, carbon steel, nickel plated revolver that many collectors covet.

If you have one we would love to see photos and get your take on this little revolver.

Specifications [login to edit wiki]

Low Price : $740High Price : $969

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