9mm Pocket Pistols

Article Posted: June 24th, 2012

Looking for a perfect pocket 9mm for conceal carry? The following is a viable list of pocket 9mm pistols that are lightweight, hold at least 6 rounds, and small enough for in the waistband holsters or large pants pockets without excessive printing.

The recent explosion of single stack sub-compact 9mm pistols replacing the wider and bulkier double stack 9's and 40's is a trend that is likely to continue for the next decade or so. The 9mm packs enough punch for those afraid to carry a 380 and more round capacity than the single stacks in 40 s&w or 45 acp.

If you are looking for a small 9 that will allow you to dress casual and still save your ass if need be then check out the following. The interactive table below is both searchable and sortable. Capacity is listed as is. I'm certain you all know that you can add a +1 to that number, enjoy. Be sure to tell us what you think in the comment section below.

Name Price Capacity Firing Weight Barrell Length Width Height +P
Beretta BU9 Nano 475 6 Striker 19.97 3.07 5.63 .90 4.17 yes
Diamondback DB9 490 6 Striker 11 3 5.6 .80 4 no
Kahr PM9 786 6 or 7 Striker 14 3.1 5.42 .90 4 yes
Keltec PF9 333 7 Double Action 12.7 3.1 5.85 .88 4.3 yes
Kimber Solo Carry 815 6 Striker 17 2.7 5.5 .995 3.9 yes
M&P Shield 449 7 or 8 Striker 19 3.1 6.1 .95 4.6 yes
Ruger LC9 449 7 Double Action 17.10 3.12 6 .90 4.5 yes
SIG P938 809 7 Single Action 16 3 5.9 1.1 3.9 yes
Springfield XDS 540 7 Striker 23 3.3 6.3 .90 4.4 yes
Taurus PT709 Slim 349 7 Single Action 19 3 6 .95 4.53 yes
Walther PPS 599 7 Striker 19.4 3.2 6.3 .90 4.4 yes

* +P most allow for + P ammo but suggest that it be used sparingly as it will lower the life expectancy of the gun.

Beretta BU9 Nano

Beretta BU9 Nano

The Beretta BU9 Nano looks and sounds like a good idea on paper. It just didn't feel right in our hand. Don't let us be the judge for you check one out at your local gun shop.

That being said it's specs price, weight, and dimensions make it a decent choice in terms of the pocket 9mm.

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Diamondback DB9

Diamondback DB9

At just 11oz the Diamondback DB9 is the lightest of the pocket 9mm pistols. If you have an issue with handling recoil this may not be the pistol for you. A lighter gun means more felt recoil. If recoil is not an issue then this may be a viable option.

That being said the Diamondback DB9 is the only pocket 9 listed that does not allow for +P ammunition, and this is most likely because it was built to be light.

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Kahr PM9

Kahr PM9

The Kahr PM9 at just 5.42" is the shortest of the pocket 9mm's listed. Overall length is not as important as height but still matters when trying to conceal a pistol. So what about height? It's just 4" tall.. and ranks near the top of the list. At 14oz this is also much lighter than most.

That being said the Kahr PM9 is one of the most expensive pistols listed with and MSRP of $786. If price is not an issue for you then this may be your pistol.

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Keltec PF9

Keltec PF9

The Keltec PF9 is one of the original pocket 9's and it is one of the most affordable conceal carry guns on the market with an MSRP of just $333. It's also one the lightest weight guns at just 12.7oz

This seems to be one of the top choices for those wishing to conceal carry a pocket 9, especially if price is an issue. Just watch out for that mag release if you have big fingers, some people will occasionally eject them in error.

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Kimber Solo Carry

Kimber Solo Carry

The Kimber Solo Carry is like most other Kimber products more expensive than it's competitors. Kimbers are what one might call a luxury gun. They are usually fine works of art that look and function well. All this comes with a price however and in this case the price is $815.

The Kimber Solo Carry has the shortest barrel at 2.7", and is the shortest in terms of height at 3.9". These specs of course mean the pistol has less room for capacity so it only holds 6 + 1. If you can afford it the Solo Carry may be the conceal carry of your dreams.

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M&P Shield

M&P Shield

We love to love the M&P Shield it's a quality conceal carry option from Smith and Wesson and is priced in the goldilocks zone at $449.00 It comes with both a 7 and 8 round magazine providing the most capacity of all the pocket 9's but does so at a cost to the overall concealability of the handgun. At 4.6" tall this is the tallest of the pocket 9's and as we all know tall is very bad when trying to conceal. At 19oz it is also one of the heaviest pistols.

If you are large enough to conceal M&P Shield it may be your best option in terms of reliability and capacity.

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Ruger LC9

Ruger LC9

The Ruger LC9 is the big brother to the most popular conceal carry .380 the LCP. The LC9 slightly larger and is chambered in the 9. Ruger LC9 is affordable at $449 or less in stores, and light weight at 17oz. It is a bit tall however 4.5". This number makes it the 3rd tallest.

The Ruger LC9 also has what many have described as an inconsistent poor trigger with a long pull and nearly as long a trigger reset. However in the scheme of things it was built to be a conceal carry pistol and not a target gun.

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SIG P938

SIG P938

Sig is also know for making some really high quality and expensive pistols. The SIG P938 is the 2nd most expensive handgun on the list with and MSRP of $809 ($4 cheaper than the kimber solo). The Sig is the only single action pocket 9 listed, so if you are dead set on a single action 9 then this is your only choice really.

With a height of just 3.9" it is one of the shortest of the pocket 9s, and at 16oz it is also one of the lightest. Very nice gun if you can get past that price tag.

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Springfield XDS 9

Springfield XDS 9

The XDS 9 might be the clear winner if it wasn't for the hefty 23oz weight. This weight is the result of Springfield using near the same frame for the 45 and 9. The 9 actually ways more than the original XDS 45. If you can handle the weight this gun is top of its class.

If looks could kill the Springfield XDS would be even deadlier. The XDS is a sexy aggressive handgun that is reasonably priced at just $540

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Taurus PT709 Slim

Taurus PT709 Slim

The Taurus PT709 Slim is one of the most affordable options with and MSRP of $349. This pistol is one of 2 single action triggers listed on this page. At 19.oz it is however at the top of the range of those guns listed.

All in all the Taurus PT709 Slim is a viable option for a pocket or conceal carry 9mm.

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Walther PPS

Walther PPS

The Walther PPS is a average priced, German made pocket 9 that is right at the top end of the goldilocks zone. It's not to big, not to small, has a nice capacity, and a decent trigger. It's striker fired like most the other 9's listed on this page as well.

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Our overall conclusion is that there is still room in this market for a winner. One that has not yet been created but should be. A pistol that has a good short crisp trigger pull/trigger reset, and is still small and lightweight enough to be easily concealed.

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Thanks to pamwood707 for use of photo

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