3 Popular American Deer Hunting Rifles

Article Posted: July 27, 2012


As the 2012 deer hunting season begins to come closer, it is time to start looking at rifles to take out and prepare for the upcoming months ahead. Determining the type of rifle that feels comfortable is a good place to start when shopping around for a good model. The rifle should be comfortable to hold on the grip, a good balance of weight, and trigger/weight action that is pleasing to an individual's finger. How much a rifle kicks in comparison to a person's body frame should also be taken into consideration. For people who have less experience in firing rifles, store associates should be able to provide adequate information on how each rifle relates when it comes to how much kick each type is capable of giving off.

Below is an overview of 3 popular American deer hunting rifles. While everyone may not agree on the choices, this can provide information on a good place to start looking for the type that best fits your needs.

Mauser 7x57

Mauser 7x57

  • Types: Also known as the 7mm, 7mm Spanish Mauser, and the .275 Rigby
  • Design: 1892 by Paul Mauser
  • Features: Bolt action with a moderately flat shoulder angle trajectory, and is known for having a good penetration on game. The bolt features a non-rotary extractor that helps to prevent double cartridge loading. The 7x57 is a long heavy bullet that offers a fast twist rate that makes it a popular choice for deer hunting.
  • The 7mm Mauser is not as popular today as it once was; manufacturers still produce ammunition (7x57 Cartridge) for the rifle that can also be used in other modern rifles that have been designed to hold the cartridge. The Mauser was originally used in the late 1800's as a Military Rifle for the Spanish Army. It eventually became a favorite rifle cartridge for Jack O'Conner's wife Eleanor during hunting expeditions she went on with her husband.

    Suggested Retail: Depending on the quality of care the rifle has received over its lifetime, an average Mauser starts off at about $240.00

    Weatherby Mark V Series

    Mark V series

    • Types: AccuMark, .338 Lupa, Deluxe, EuroMark, FiberMark Composite, LazerMark, Sporter, Synthetic, Ultra Lightweight, UltraMark
    • Design: 1958 by Roy Weatherby
    • Features: Interupted lug design of 3 rows of 3 in the bolt for a faster reload time on the next shot. The bolt is smooth and non-binding to reduce friction on each bolt action. It also has an indicator to determine if the bolt is cocked in place or uncocked. The rifle comes with a rolling action safety on the bolt to lock it in place until it is ready to be fired.

    The Mark V series is a button action rifle barrel that uses 3 different crown styles at the end of the rifle to ensure the best accuracy for hunters on the market. As a long standing popular series for deer hunting, the Mark V Series gives hunters of any age or body frame the right option to fit their need.

    Suggested Retail: $1,200 to $3,100

    Winchester .308

    .308 Winchester

    • Design: 1952 by Winchester, it is also known as the Winchester 70 Model.
    • Features: The reduced tolerance in kick, while maintaining high penetration on game helped make the .308 cartridge a favorite among hunting enthusiasts.

    The .308 Winchester quickly became one of the most popular choices for hunters in North America after it was first introduced. Known as the "Riflemans Rifle" the Winchester model 70 is Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the introduction of the .308 by offering a 75th Anniversary Edition Super Grade Model for firearm enthusiasts to purchase. The newly redesigned series offers a trigger pull of 3 to 5 pounds depending on the model.

    Suggested Retail for 75th Anniversary Edition: $1,999

    Contributing Author: Jason Brumett

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    Thanks to armyenvironmental for use of the photo.

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