Total Guns Found: 27
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  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P220 Carry Elite Dark Caliber: 45 auto

    The Sig Sauer P220 Carry Elite Dark is a semi-automatic handgun, with an ergonomic beavertail frame, designed to have a lower profile than the regular sized P220 models for conceal...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P220R Compact Caliber: 45 auto

    The Sig Sauer P220R Compact is a medium frame semi-automatic pistol designed for conceal and carry purposes. It is a smaller design that the other P220 models, including other car...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P220 Compact SAS Gen 2 Caliber: 45 auto

    The Sig Sauer P220 Compact SAS Generation 2 is a medium frame, semi-automatic handgun, designed for conceal and carry purposes. It has a smaller frame than other P220 models to gi...(more)

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