Total Guns Found: 2
  • Type: Rifles Make: Ruger Model: M77 Hawkeye Compact Magnum Caliber: .300 RCM

    The Ruger M77 Hawkeye Compact Magnum is a shorter version of the standard Ruger M77 Hawkeye. It comes in the following calibers; 223 Rem , 243 Win , 7mm 08 Rem , 7 62 x 39mm, 308 ...(more)

  • Type: Rifles Make: Ruger Model: M77 Hawkeye Compact Caliber: .223 Rem.

    The Ruger M77 Hawkeye Compact like all the other rifles or pistols with the word compact appended to the end is a compact version of its primary in this case the Ruger M77 Hawkeye ...(more)

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