Gun Revision Number 2 Updated on: March 02, 2012

Note: Values with green color has been updated in newer version

Title: Remington 870 SPS Turkey Predator


  • Type: Shotguns
  • Make: Remington
  • Model: 870 SPS Super Mag Turkey Predator n Scope
  • Production:
  • Caliber: 12 gauge
  • Capacity: 5 + 1
  • Barrel Length: 20
  • Total Length: 40 1/2
  • Designed By:
  • Make Year: 0

Low Price: $542High Price: $700



The Remington Model 870â„¢ SPSâ„¢ Super Mag Turkey or Super Mag Predator comes with a scope built in, and is one of the most dependable slide actions. This gun will handle anything from deer to dove to turkey and more. It has a very nice camo job as well using Mossy Oak Obsession it blends in great.
The scope is a TruGlo Red/Green and that means you can switch the adjust the site color from green to red depending on your prefrence.
The grip has been improved by using a pistol grip wit overmolds. This gun will handle both 2 3/4 or 3 1/2 shotgun shells in 12 ga.
This gun also includes a sling.

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