Gun Revision Number 3 Updated on: February 25, 2012

Note: Values with green color has been updated in newer version

Title: Mossber 500 Chainsaw


  • Type: Shotguns
  • Make: Mossber
  • Model: 500 Chainsaw
  • Production:
  • Caliber: 12 ga
  • Capacity: 6
  • Barrel Length: 18
  • Total Length: 23
  • Designed By: Mossberg
  • Make Year: 2012

Low Price: $450High Price: $525



The Mossberg 500 Chainsaw appears to be the lovechild of the popular Mossberg 500 Persuader and a Poulan P3416 Chainsaw.

We have not shot one of these ourselves yet but we do happen to own a Mossberg 500. This thing is a pump 12 ga by the way and this means you have to use that chainsaw grip to eject and reload the thing. In terms of ergonomics it just doesn't look that comfortable and this gun may just be a novelty much like the Hornady Zombie Killer ammo they recently came out with. It also looks like you might burn your hand on the top of that barrel after you've shot a few rounds. Of course at that point you could always return to the lower default forward grip.

After reading a bit more about this weapon it seems the upper grip provides great recoil support. So maybe this gun would work well as a tactical entry gun. Just hold it up to the lock and pull the trigger. lol.

If you've been lucky enough to shoot this gun tell us what you think!

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