Total Guns Found: 7
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  • Type: Shotguns Make: SPAS Model: 12 Production: 43000 Worldwide. 1850 imported to U.S. Caliber: 12 Designed By: Italy Make Year: 1979

    This is a very popular 12 gauge shotgun both in automatic and pump shotgun. the prices listed are just a guess. The SPAS-12 is a combat shotgun that was manufactured by the Ita...(more)

  • Type: Shotguns Make: Mossberg Model: 500 Chainsaw Caliber: 12 ga Designed By: Mossberg Make Year: 2012

    The Mossberg 500 Chainsaw appears to be the lovechild of the popular Mossberg 500 Persuader and a Poulan P3416 Chainsaw. We have not shot one of these ourselves yet but we do ha...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P220 Elite Dark Caliber: .45ACP

    The new Sig Sauer P220 Elite Dark is a .45ACP with 8 round clips defaulted with combat night sights, but with an MSRP of $1,218.00 this pistol is not entry level. The total weight ...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Colt Model: Combat Elite O8011XSE Caliber: .45

    The Colt Combat Elite® in 45 acp has a 5in barrel and holds 8+1 rounds. This is a very attractive gun with it's stainless steel receiver, it's brushed metal receiver, and it's c...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Colt Model: Special Combat Government O1970CM Caliber: .45

    The Colt M1911 pistol has been a favorite for 100 years as a service pistol, a law enforcement pistol and a personal defense firearm. Although the pistol is virtually unchanged sin...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Colt Model: Special Combat Government O1970CY Caliber: .45

    The .45 Colt Special combat Government series O1970CY is the only one of the 5 series versions to have Novak Front & Read Night Sights making this a better gun to carry at night. T...(more)

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