Total Guns Found: 3
  • Type: Rifles Make: Ruger Model: 10 22 Tactical Caliber: .22 LR

    The Ruger 10 22 Tactical is a Tactical styled .22 LR Ruger in black synthetic, and black Hogue® OverMolded®. The target version of this gun comes with a bipod factory, and th...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Ruger Model: 22 Charger Caliber: .22 LR

    The 22 Charger Pistol delivers the fun, versatility and reliability of the time tested Ruger 10/22 Carbine in a handgun by utilizing the 10/22 receiver and rotary magazine. The Cha...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Smith & Wesson Model: 647 .17 HMR Varminter Caliber: .17 HMR

    The Model 647 .17 HMR Varminter by Smith & Wesson is a bit of an oddball in the realm of standard gun configs but all in all it works. You see the Varminter is a pistol..that you h...(more)

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