Total Guns Found: 3
  • Type: Pistols Make: Smith & Wesson Model: 442 Caliber: .38 special

    The Smith and Wesson Model 442 is a internal hammer double action small pistol firing the 38 special +p cartridge. The internal hammer feature is a great feature if you plan to con...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Smith & Wesson Model: 642LS Caliber: 38 Special

    Because women should have the power to defend themselves, Smith & Wesson designers developed the LadySmith line of small frame revolvers. Built on the popular J-Frame small revolve...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Smith & Wesson Model: 637 CT Caliber: 38 special

    The Smith & Wesson Model 637 5 shot J frame is built with a stainless steel barrel and cylinder and an aluminum alloy frame with an exposed hammer and is supplied with black rubber...(more)

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