Total Guns Found: 3
  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P232 Caliber: 380 acp

    The Sig Sauer P232 is a compact pistol that is designed for off-duty, conceal and carry, along with personal protection purposes. It is based off the P230 model that was introduce...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P232 Two-Tone Caliber: 380 acp

    The Sig Sauer P232 Two-Tone is a compact pistol designed for off-duty back-up, personal protection, along with conceal and carry purposes. The frame has a low profile anti-snag de...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P232 Stainless Caliber: 380 acp

    The Sig Sauer P232 Stainless is a compact pistol designed for off-duty back-up, personal protection, along with conceal and carry purposes. The P232 is a pocket pistol that has a ...(more)

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