Total Guns Found: 99
  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P226 Combat Caliber: 9mm

    The Sig Sauer P226 Combat is a large frame handgun that is available in double or single action triggers. It was designed for recreational, self-defense, along with military sidea...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P226 Combat TB Caliber: 9mm

    The Sig Sauer P226 Threaded Barrel Combat is a large frame handgun designed for self-defense, recreational, along with military sidearm purposes. The threaded barrel version diffe...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P226 Elite Dark Threaded Caliber: 9mm

    The Sig Sauer P226 Elite Dark Threaded Barrel is a large frame, semi-automatic handgun, that features an elite beavertail on the frame. The P226 Elite TB was designed for recreati...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P226 Classic 22 Beavertail Caliber: 22 LR

    The Sig Sauer P226 Classic 22 Beavertail is a large frame, semi-automatic handgun, designed for recreational, self-defense, and range practice shooting. The Classic 22 beavertail ...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P226 Tactical Operations Caliber: 9mm 40 357SIG

    The Sig Sauer P226 Tactical Operations is a full-sized, semi-automatic handgun that includes a beavertail, designed for recreational, self-defense, along with competitive shooting....(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P226 Enhanced Elite Caliber: 9mm 40 357SIG

    The Sig Sauer P226 Enhanced Elite is a full-sized, semi-automatic handgun, designed for on duty, personal protection, along with recreational shooting purposes. It has the 4-point...(more)

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