Gun Revision Number 4 Updated on: April 17, 2012

Note: Values with green color has been updated in newer version

Title: Glock 27


  • Type: Pistols
  • Make: Glock
  • Model: 27
  • Production:
  • Caliber: 0
  • Capacity: 9+1
  • Barrel Length: 4
  • Total Length: 6
  • Designed By: Gaston Glock
  • Make Year: 2012

Low Price: $350High Price: $550


This gun is sold as one of the best backup or conceal carry guns on the market.

Small, light, accurate and powerful:
The GLOCK 27 is the backup weapon for all
situations. Because of its comfortable dimensions
and the known advantages of the GLOCK pistol family
it is very popular by police on patrol duty, which is why
many law enforcement agencies issue this subcompact
.40 pistol also as an official backup pistol.

We recently purchased the 4th Gen Glock 27 and this gun is akin to a pocket cannon. It comes with 3 yes 3 mags, 2 grip mods, the standard glock case, a cleaning rod with bristle tip and a small lock.

Having shot both the Gen 3 and the Gen 4 we have to say that the Gen 4 with it's new grip options and texture make it a big upgrade. That extra grip helps with the follow up round, and does wonders for people with sweaty palms.

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