Gun Revision Number 1 Updated on: May 12, 2013

Note: Values with green color has been updated in newer version

Title: 1911 Carry Nightmare


  • Type: Pistols
  • Make: Sig Sauer
  • Model: 1911 Carry Nightmare
  • Production:
  • Caliber: .45 ACP, .357 SIG
  • Capacity: 8 Rounds (.45 ACP),
  • Barrel Length: 4.2
  • Total Length: 7.7
  • Designed By:
  • Make Year: 0

Low Price: $0High Price: $0



The legendary 1911 design has been brought into the 21st century with the refinements today’s shooters demand, The 1911Carry Nightmare pistol from SIG SAUER®, features a stainless steel frame with rounded grip and mainspring housing. Each pistol is built using premium internal parts including a match grade barrel, hammer/sear set and trigger. The all Nitron® coated frame and slide is contrasted with natural stainless controls, barrel bushing, extractor and grips screws.

The Nightmare is finished with a set of black G10 double diamond grips that makes this 1911 SIG SAUER looks as good as it performs. Avalible chambered in 45 ACP and 357 SIG

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