Gun Revision Number 3 Updated on: February 13, 2013

Note: Values with green color has been updated in newer version

Title: Sig Sauer P220 Carry DAK DONE


  • Type: Pistols
  • Make: Sig Sauer
  • Model: P220 Carry DAK
  • Production:
  • Caliber: .45ACP
  • Capacity: 8
  • Barrel Length: 3.9
  • Total Length: 7.1
  • Designed By:
  • Make Year: 0

Low Price: $0High Price: $0



The Sig Sauer P220 Carry Double Action Kellerman is a large frame pistol designed to have a slightly lower profile than some of the other P220 series models for conceal and carry purposes. It is also used as a recreational, competitve, and self-defense handgun. It comes with a two stage double action only trigger system instead of the 4-point safety system other P220 models feature. The trigger on the DAK has a pull of 7.5 pounds, giving it a double action trigger with a single action feel for the user firing it.

The P220 Carry DAK overall length is 7.1-inches, with a height of 5.5-inches, and a barrel length of 3.9-inches. The frame material is made up from alloy, with a black hard coat anodized finish. The slide is material is made from stainless steel, and has a black Nitron finish. The sights are the 3 white dot SigLite night sights. The frame also has an integrated accessory rail for mounting a light or tactical laser onto it.

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