Gun Revision Number 1 Updated on: November 17, 2012

Note: Values with green color has been updated in newer version

Title: Smith & Wesson Model 360PD


  • Type: Pistols
  • Make: Smith & Wesson
  • Model: 360PD
  • Production:
  • Caliber: .357 Magnum, .38 S&W Special +P
  • Capacity: 5
  • Barrel Length: 1.87
  • Total Length: 6.31
  • Designed By:
  • Make Year: 0

Low Price: $808High Price: $1019



The frame of the 360PD is constructed from a scandium reinforced aluminum alloy. Scandium, a novel alloying element for aluminum, is mined and processed in Zhovti Vody, Ukraine, the only primary scandium mine in operation in the world. The key properties of this alloy are light weight, superior strength and good resistance to corrosion. The frame is topped off with a smooth black anodized finish.

The titanium cylinder weighs just 60% of what a similar stainless steel cylinder weighs and yet is able to withstand the same operating pressures. As with all "J" frame designs, this is a swing-out cylinder with an axial pin driven star extractor. The extractor pin rests in a slot in the bottom of the barrel shroud when the cylinder is closed.

The barrel is a hybrid construction consisting of a scandium/aluminum alloy shroud keyed into the frame with a metal tab, and a stainless steel barrel tube which is screwed into the frame with a special tool, holding the shroud in place.

The grip is a Hogue Bantam Monogrip, a one-piece wrap-around construction that is held into place by being pressed into a stock pin that extrudes from both sides of the frame near the base of the butt.

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