Gun Revision Number 1 Updated on: May 20, 2012
Note: Values with green color has been updated in newer version
Title: Beretta Model 21 Bobcat
- Type: Pistols
- Make: Beretta
- Model: 21 Bobcat
- Production:
- Caliber: .22 LR, .25 Auto
- Capacity: 7
- Barrel Length: 2.4
- Total Length: 4.9
- Designed By:
- Make Year: 0
Low Price: $310High Price: $350
Trustworthy and precise, this compact, rugged small frame measures just 4.9 inches (125 mm) overall and weighs only 11.5 ounces (325 grams). The same dedication to advanced design, uncompromising quality and strict quality control that make the 92F, Cougar and Cheetah such international standouts is found in all Beretta small caliber, pocket-size pistols. Simplicity, safety and practical use are their best qualities. User-friendly design is common to all Beretta small frames. The exclusive tip-up barrel allows the user to easily load a round directly into the chamber. It also assists in the safe clearing of the pistol by allowing a live round to be easily removed from the chamber and the bore quickly checked. Jamming and stovepiping problems are virtually eliminated by the open slide design shared by all small frame Berettas. Keeping an eye on quality helps keep Beretta small caliber semi-automatics out front. Beretta pistols in the 21 Series utilize the toughest of forgings for their barrels, while slides are fashioned from solid steel bar stock. Frames are machined from solid aluminum forgings. The new Inox versions utilize the finest materials, difficult to machine but exceptionally corrosion resistant and durable. This model has a stainless steel slide and barrel. The alloy frame is gray anodized to match the color and finish of the stainless components. The other metal parts (trigger, hammer, trigger guard, safety, magazine, etc.) are black finished.
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