Gun Revision Number 2 Updated on: March 14, 2012

Note: Values with green color has been updated in newer version

Title: Remington 597 Pink Camo


  • Type: Rifles
  • Make: Remington
  • Model: 597 Pink Camo
  • Production:
  • Caliber: Auto (22 LR)
  • Capacity: 10 + 1
  • Barrel Length: Auto (22 LR)
  • Total Length: 40
  • Designed By:
  • Make Year: 0

Low Price: $223High Price: $280



The Remington Model 597â„¢ Pink Camo is the perfect gun for daddys little girl. When my girl is finally old enough to shoo this .22 by Remington will be her first gun. If you don't have a little girl then this thing is just funny looking. You might not want to read this lol.

The Remington Model 597 is a semi-automatic rimfire rifle chambered for the .22 Long Rifle, .22 WMR and .17 HMR cartridges. The .22 Long Rifle version has a removable 10-round magazine, while the magazines for the larger .22 WMR and .17 HMR cartridges hold 8 rounds. The standard and WMR versions have been in production since 1997, and the .17 HMR version since 2003. The unique bolt-guidance system uses two steel guide rails. The 597 is built in Remington's Mayfield, Kentucky plant.

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