Springfield M1 Versatility

Article Posted: November 20, 2012

Springfield M1A
Springfield M1A Mod 7.62 NATO (.308 WIN)

If you can only have one rifle, or if your of my opinion, you only NEED one rifle, the Springfield M1A is the rifle you need to have. Quite simply, it is the ultimate rifle for universal use in all shooting activities and all hunting activities. Here is why I believe this to be true.

First: Versatility. The M1A can be used to range shoot both indoor and outdoor as a target rifle, or in competitive shooting. Even long range competitive shooting out to 1,000 yards, this weapon will do fine. It can be used as your assault rifle in three-gun Competition. It can be used in any hunting from Whitetail Deer in the midwest to Mule deer, Elk, Sheep, Goat or anything else in the mountains, to Wild Pig and Boar in Texas and across the country. You can hunt Moose or Bear in Alaska or anywhere with this rifle.

Springfield M1A Tactical border=
Springfield M1A M21 Tactical 20 rounds 7.62 NATO (.308 WIN)

Second: Calibre: .308 calibre or 7.62x51 NATO round is exceptional in every aspect. It carries it's energy further and is highly predictable at distance shooting and flows through wind better than most cartridges known to man. It's big enough to stop virtually anything you come across and it's small enough to lend itself well to a vast array of targets available to it.

Third: Build. This weapon is a virtual copy of the military's M-14 rifle. In fact, this receiver is used today in the military as their "EBR" squad marksman weapon. The weapon is solidly built, and easy to disassemble for cleaning. The weapon will last generations and maintain it's extreme precision. It's stock is military grade, meaning it will fit most people. Also it has many configuration changes available on the market that are easily installed. You can even make your M1A a "bullpup" assault rifle.

Fourth: Accuracy. You aren't going to find another rifle with the kind of accuracy this weapon system can achieve at this price point. It is naturally intended for military aperature iron sights. They work exceptionally and are accurate out to 500 yards no problem. The Marine shooting team routinely competes in the 1,000 yard open sights competition with this weapon. Theirs is rather modified from the "standard" version, but all in all, it's the same weapon system. In the right hands, the M1A is accurate out to 1,000 yards without much hang up.

The rifle is often equipped with a scope. A special mount is necessary as the weapon was not originally intended to have a scope on it. Make sure you use a mount that clears your iron sights. DO NOT GIVE UP THOSE SIGHTS. You would be sad having to engage a bear at 30 feet with a 10x scope and no iron sights.

Fifth: Firepower: This weapon that is extremely durable, extremely accurate, extremely versatile and is also a semi automatic weapon. You don't have to go to a bolt action for extreme accuracy. You don't have to chamber down to 5.56 for rounds down range fire power. Equipped with 20 round box magazines, you can put rounds down range as fast as you can pull the trigger. Recoil is quite light allowing you to accurately throw lead at your leisure.

So, if I am only going to have one rifle, the M1A is my clear choice. It's a beautiful rifle with many uses and options available for customization. You really don't need to go crazy and upgrade to a "match grade" rifle or a "super match" rifle, they are more accurate out of the box, but I shoot a; "standard" M1A and it is deadly accurate at 500 yards with iron sights, no problem. I have a 10x scope on it for long distance shooting and hunting, but the irons are as good as any scope at 100 yards.

Contributing Author: Mike McAlpin

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