Total Guns Found: 105
  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P224 Extreme Caliber: 9mm .40S&W .357SIG

    The Sig Sauer P224 Extreme is a small frame sub-compact pistol designed for self-defense, conceal and carry, or as an off duty back-up pistol. The overall length is 6.7-inches, wi...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P250 Compact Caliber: 9mm 40 s&w 45 acp

    The Sig Sauer P250 Compact was first released in 2007, and later models that fired different caliber ammunition during 2008 and 09. The compact has a modular frame and fire contr...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P556 SWAT Caliber: 5.56 x 45mm NATO

    The Sig Sauer P556 SWAT is one of two AR-15 pistol designs that have some features added to them. The overall length of the P556 SWAT is 20.5-inches, with a barrel length of 10-in...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P556 Caliber: 5.56 x 45mm NATO

    The Sig Sauer P556 Pistol is one of two AR-15 style semi-automatic pistols designed by Sig Sauer to replace the P550 and P551 series models. The P556 pistol differs from the SWAT ...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P220 Combat Caliber: 45 acp

    The Sig Sauer P220 Combat is a semi-automatic handgun designed for tactical military and police purposes. The internal parts are phosphated to provide users with the maximum allow...(more)

  • Type: Pistols Make: Sig Sauer Model: P220 Combat TB Caliber: 45 auto

    The Sig Sauer P220 Combat Threaded Barrel (TB) is a semi-automatic handgun in the P220 line-up that comes with a threaded barrel to add-on a suppressor. The inner control parts ar...(more)

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